April 26th marked 30 years since Johnny Cash dropped the first installment of his American Recordings series on an unexpecting public. Harder to believe is that the Man in Black has already been at his Maker’s side for...
Summer is upon us, and there’s no better way to look onwards to the impending heat than to, first, look backwards on all of the gems April had to offer. It should come as...
Last week, an unlikely pairing shared a bill together at Madison Square Garden: Tyler Childers and Sylvan Esso. While the latter have been a formidable electronica duo for the better part of a decade,...
Paste has been in existence since July 2002, but it’s taken 22 years for us to sit down and make a “Greatest Albums of All Time” list. Every reputable outlet has done this at some...
Mdou Moctar uses his guitar to emulate the sound of a siren. During the recording sessions for Funeral for Justice, his band’s latest album, Moctar inched his hand toward the high edge of his lefty...
Paste Studio on The Road rambles on, this time to Wilkesboro, N.C., for the 36th annual MerleFest! The festival was founded in 1988 in memory of Doc Watson’s son Merle, and features “traditional plus”...