Suburban satires are a solid staple of pop culture at this point. Even before Ira Levin’s seminal novel The Stepford Wives was published in 1972, Shirley Jackson—best known for her gothic horror stories like The Haunting of...
Late night talk shows still exist, but their heyday was last century, when millions of viewers would stay up late to watch Johnny Carson, and, later, David Letterman, Arsenio Hall, Jay Leno, and Conan...
Coming out can be a stressful, emotional experience for some in the LGBTQ+ community. Ever Mainard, a nonbinary comedian, writer, and actor, had to come out to their parents…twice.
Mainard’s apprehension was understandable after growing up...
A portrait of Flip Wilson graced the cover of TIME magazine on January 31, 1972, under the headline: “TV’s First Black Superstar.” With the 1970 debut of The Flip Wilson Show, the comic became the first Black host of a...
Teen dramas have often been disparaged as soapy and lowest common denominator, the type of TV shows meant to pull in numbers but not necessarily critical acclaim. Thankfully the tide seems to be turning,...
There always has to be a show on TV making fun of TV shows, and in our current moment that responsibility falls on Hacks. The Max comedy presently finishing its third season is the latest...